Being a Principal Investigator (PI) on an award is a very rewarding process, but it can also involve a lot of work. Below are some helpful links to information that you may need when preparing a proposal, navigating UF policies, and managing your award.
- UF’s Institutional FAQs when submitting a proposal
- PI Eligibility
- Subrecipient v. Contractor/Vendor/Supplier – learn the difference.
- Research trainings at UF
- Budgeting for Graduate Student Salary and Tuition Costs
- Direct and Indirect Costs on a Sponsored Project
- PI Responsibilities: Sponsored Programs Roles and Responsibilities by Function
- Dimensions provides the UF community with access to a comprehensive database covering publications, grants, patents, clinical trials, datasets, and policy documents. This platform facilitates tracking research trends, enabling users to identify potential collaborators globally and enhancing the efficiency of grant proposal development. It is recommended to link your ORCID iD to your Dimensions account for seamless integration.
- You can create searchable records in the UF Research Expertise Database, and use this database to search for possible collaborators.
- Check out UF’s list of Centers and Institutes for other topical research partners and to get involved in their affiliate faculty activities.
- The UF Humanities Center maintains a list of Multidisciplinary Working Groups and Programs at UF in the humanities and cultural disciplines. Staff at the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere can help faculty members to network with colleagues and resources at UF.
- For grants with a UF Libraries’ or digital component, schedule an Academic Research Consult. Such components may include digitization, user-interface design, GIS, dissemination, preservation (both physical and digital), learning object design, or web production (e.g., web-based tutorials).
- For grants that include a program assessment or evaluation component, you can consult with staff at BEBR (Bureau of Economic and Business Research) and CAPES (Collaborative Assessment and Program Evaluation Services).
- The UF Office of Research maintains a listing of Broader Impacts Resources across the university, which can provide support for everything from building museum exhibits, to working with minority or K-12 populations, to locating off-campus constituencies.
- For those interested in ethnographic and qualitative methods, the UF Ethnography Lab offers access to writing spaces, software, and qualitative methods books and resources. The Qualitative Methods Working Group (QMWG) meets bi-monthly for focused writing time, and monthly for research presentations and feedback. Don’t miss the Visualizing and Sensing Spaces Workshop Series for collaborative opportunities with artists and scholars to help with your research endeavors.
- Browse UF International Center’s Global Engagement & Expertise Dashboard to identify staff and faculty with teaching experience, research experience, institutional affiliations, or other expertise and experiences in various countries.
- LibraryPress@UF, a publishing imprint of the Libraries and the University of Florida Press, focuses on open access publishing across disciplines and in a range of formats, with an emphasis on publications authored by researchers, instructors, and students based here at UF.
- Make sure to describe a realistic scope of work during the award period. Ask for a reasonable amount of money and time to complete your research. Look to the UF Humanities Center’s Humanities and Fellowships and Grants – Proposal Writing Services for guidance and useful tips on pursuing sponsored research and writing competitive proposals.
- The article, Grant-Writing Pearls and Pitfalls: Maximizing Funding Opportunities by Jeremy C. Liu et al outlines 4 key objectives to the grant process. Although this review is directed towards otolaryngology professionals, these recommendations are helpful to anyone in the proposal writing process.
- View the recording to the presentation, Funding Arts and Design: Advancing Scholarship, Education, and Creative Practice Part One: Federal Funding. Panelists discuss funding avenues and ways to strengthen future proposals.
- Learn the three most important arguments that make a competitive proposal.
- Start with the basics with How to Write a Winning Grant Proposal. From the Cover Letter to the Budget Proposal, this article outlines each component of a successful grant proposal and what to include.
- Listen to Write to the Point – Grant Writing in the Arts podcast for tips to navigate the particular hurdles involved in the grant writing process.
- Funding Music: Guidelines for Grant Writing in the Music Classroom by Rekha S. Rajan outlines the basic guidelines for writing grants and pursuing funding to support music education initiatives. You must enter your GatorLink to view this resource.
- Understand the stylistic requirements of writing a Grant and why it differs from traditional Academic papers. Why Academics Have a Hard Time Writing Good Grant Proposals – Robert Porter, 2007, The Journal of Research Administration, (48)1: 15-25.